Baby Group
Holiday Photos!
Click for Gallery
Click for Gallery
If you haven't already, please click this link below and fill out a Model Release form for your little one. It helps me out by allowing me to use these photos in my portfolio.
Thank You!
Click one of these images to take you to your Holiday Gallery...
To Download your photos:
- Click one of the above photos to enter your gallery
- Click on your desired photo to download
- Hover your mouse over the "Download" button
- Choose "Original" and enter the password given in the email
Feel free to use your photos online and print them where you wish.
But please follow the rules of this Digital Print Release
Some print shops may ask you for a print release. If they do, you can show them the link above and/or print a copy to give to them.
Holiday Card Printing!
If you still need to order your Holiday Card, check out these convenient options. I'll do the design work for you! My print shop has a super fast turnaround time and the highest quality printing. We ordered our personal Holiday Cards on a Wednesday morning and actually received them the next day, Thursday afternoon. The printer I use is operating 24 hours a day during the Holiday Season. All orders are FedEx® Standard Overnight: next business afternoon for $6...
Gift Certificates are also 20% OFF